A Visit From An Old Friend
Photo from when first built - 1976.
Entry from June 17, 2021-
This week, I was surprised to have gotten a visit at the shop from an old, dear friend- one of my very first chairs. This walnut chair was part of a dining room set I’d crafted about 45 years ago as a bright eyed, bushy tailed woodworker just starting out. As a rookie enormously inspired by the creative curves of furniture crafted by Sam Maloof, I designed and crafted this set with great enthusiasm. This project has remarkably withstood the test of time but just needs one of the back rails repaired after recently experiencing an incident. As I’m revisiting the grains, joints and the general craftsmanship, I am reminded of my origins and although the approach to my work has become much more refined, my path remains the same. I realize how we all begin an intimacy with our craft that is raw and powerful, and no matter what we put out into the world, what we do will always come full circle and make it back to our bench in some way or another.